Modern Futhorc Systems Comparison

- 7 mins

In this blog, I am going to compare 5 different systems for writing Modern English with the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. The goal for doing so is to increase collaboration and communication across these projects and increase the possiblity of working together in the future.

  1. Younger Futhorc
  2. American Futharch
  4. Rune Revival
  5. Rune School (here)

I will include a first pass at a compromise as I outline each.


sound Younger Futhorc American Futharch Futhorc .com Rune Revival Rune School Compromise?
/v/ ᚠ‍ᚠ ᚠ‍ᚠ ᚠ‍ᚠ
/ð/ ᚦᚦ?
/tʃ/ ᛏᚳ
/j/ ᚷ ᛡ
/ks~gz/ ᚴᛋ ᚴᛋ ᛣᛋ ᛣᛋ ᛣᛋ
/s/ ᛋ ᚴ
/ŋg/ ᛝᚷ ᛝᚸ ᛝᚸ
/dʒ/ ᚳᚷ ᛞᛄ ᚷᚳ
/ʒ/ ᚳᚷ ᛉᚳ ᛉᚳ ᚷᚳ
/ʃ/ ᛋᚳ ᛋᚳ ᛋᚳ ᛋᚳ
/ʍ/ ᚻᚹ     ᚻᚹ ᚻᚹ ᚻᚹ


Lexical Set Younger Futhorc American Futharch Futhorc .com Rune Revival Rune School Compromise?
FLEECE ᛇ ᛁᛡ ᛁᚷ (ᛡ)
FACE ᛖᚷ ᛖᛁ ᛖᛡ ᛖᛡ ᛖᛖ ᛖᚷ
GOAT ᛟᚣ ᚩᚢ ᚩᚹ ᚩᚹ
GOOSE ᚣᚹ ᚢᚢ ᚢᚹ
PRICE ᚫᚷ ᚫᛁ   ᚪᛡ ᚫᛡ ᚫᚷ
MOUTH ᚫᚢ ᚫᚣ   ᚫᚹ ᚫᚹ
CHOICE   ᛟᛁ   ᚩᛡ ᚩᛡ ᚩᚷ
lettER   ᛠᚱ ᚣᚱ ᛟᚱ ᛟᚱ ᛟᚱ
NURSE ᛖᚱ ᛠᚱ   ᛟᚱ ᚢᚱ ᛠᚱ
START   ᚩᚱ   ᚪᚱ ᚪᚱ ᚫᚱ
NORTH   ᛟᚱ   ᚩᚱ ᚩᚱ ᚪᚱ
FORCE   ᛟᚱ   ᚩᚢᚱ ᚩᚹᚱ ᚩᚱ
mErry   ᛖᚱ   ᛖᚱ ᛖᚱ ᛖᚱ
mArry   ᛖᚱ   ᚫᚱ ᚫᚱ ᛇᚱ
SQUARE   ᛖᚱ   ᛖᚱ ᛖᛖᚱ ᛖᛖᚱ
NEAR ᛁᚱ ᛁᚱ   ᛠᚱ ᛠᚱ ᛁᛁᚱ ᛁᛁᚱ

Now let’s look at how the vowel runes land on the IPA vowel chart for a stronger visual comparison.

Younger Futhorc:

Younger Futhorc IPA vowel chart

American Futharch:

American Futharch IPA vowel chart IPA vowel chart

Rune Revival:

Rune Revival IPA vowel chart

Rune School:

Rune School IPA vowel chart

Want to try your hand at a layout? Give it a shot!


Now just comparing sound assignments doesn’t fully explain the reasons why the creators of these systems made the choices they did. Each sound assignment has ripple effects that will change the sound assignments for other runes.

In order to really compare these choices, we need to talk about the underlying values and philosophy. For example, are we going for authenticity? Are we going for clarity of design?

I would say that American Futharch aims to be more opinionated, as a work of art. Younger Futhorc and Rune Revival aim to be more authentic. and Rune School seem to aim for authenticity while also wanting something more systematic. For example, and Rune School both shared the vowel+semivowel digraph for the diphthongs. And even goes further and uses t+sh for the “ch” sound (very analytical).

One of the biggest decisions is whether or not to represent the commA sound (schwa). Younger Futhorc opts to not represent it. The tradeoff then is you need to be comfortable with 5 ways of writing a schwa and 3 ways of writing the NURSE vowel. It’s not terrible, but you still completely lose the sound-spelling connection.

Shared values

My primary goals for a good modern rune system would be:

  1. Authenticity to the original Futhorc

I like one principle that Rune Revival adheres to. They are willing to draw from the Elder Futhark, but they won’t draw from any traditions later than the Anglo Futhorc. I find that to be an authentic compromise when thinking outside the box is needed. Another aspect of authenticity is the most common runes still being the most common in a modern system (if possible).

  1. Usable for all English accents

A couple of these systems are fairly obviously designed for American English. I think a good system would work for the entire English speaking world. Because the Futhorc is the “birthright” of English everywhere.

  1. Systematically satisfying

Regarding Systematics, I am speaking mostly about phonemic mergers and splits as well as historical development of sounds. Things like the FOOT-STRUT split, the COT-CAUGHT merger, etc. A good system should take these into account.


Now what would a compromise between all of these systems look like? The authenticity of the Younger Futhorc but with an added element of a more robust… system?

After using and teaching the Rune School system, I can say that it really does feel intuitive, simple, and functional. This is because time was spent thinking about how to phonemically analyze English as a complete system. There are 7 base vowels, from which all other vowel sounds come.

What I am looking for in improvements to the Rune School system:

  1. Being more functional for people with different accents

  2. More authentic to the original Futhorc

Let’s try something as a way to start the conversation:

This draws on the Elder Futhark for the assignment of ᛇ. This gives us an immense benefit to representing “hell’s corner” with all similar looking runes. It also lets us distinguish TOE from TOW, PAIN from PANE, and potentially rosEs and happY. The only thing that is lost is potentially a cleanness of the system as a whole. For example, lettER is no longer grouped with commA and contrasted with NURSE-STRUT. The 7 base vowels of Rune School would be upped to 9 base vowels. And such a system has not taken into account the frequency of phonemes, either. In the original Futhorc corpus, ᚢ was extremely common, which may lead one to use ᚢ as a commA (schwa) phoneme instead. Or even merge FOOT with commA (there are no minimal pairs between these two, so it’s possible, technically).

If you designed one of these systems, or if you have your own that I have not included, please join the Rune School Discord server and we can discuss in a sort of “peer review” working group. I’ll see you there!